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Staff List

Staffing information and structure at our school.

Teaching Staff

Mr P Naughton


Mrs Clarke

Early Years

Mrs Alder

Year 1

Miss Graham

Year 2

Mrs Douglas

Year 3

Miss Carr/Mr Hannah

Year 4

Miss Cohen

Year 5

Mrs Parish

Year 6/Deputy Head

Teaching Support Staff

Mrs Foley


Mrs Glenton


Mrs Lewis

Teaching Assistant

Mrs Callaghan

Teaching Assistant

Mrs Blakey

Teaching Assistant

Mrs Morgan

Teaching Assistant

Mrs Smith

Teaching Assistant

Mrs Tompkins

Teaching Assistant

Support Staff

Mrs Steel

Mrs Chalmers

Admin Assistant

Mr Dixon


Mrs Oldfield


Mrs McFadyen

Catering Manager

Mrs O’Neill

Catering Assistant

Mrs Penman

Catering Assistant

Mrs Richardson

Catering Assistant

Lunchtime Supervisors

  • Mrs Davison
  • Mrs Glenton
  • Mrs Larner
  • Mrs Shiels
  • Mrs Watson

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Updated | 23rd January, 2025 |

Latest News

Police Visit Year 1

We were lucky to have Sargent Dan from Northumbria Police visit Year 1 as they begin their new RE topic ‘Special People’. They thought about special people in their homes, schools and communities. The children loved trying on his kit and asking lots of questions.

Extra Curriculum Clubs

We have lunchtime clubs every half term in school. Last term finger knitting was a new club and it was a big hit with the key stage 2 children. Other clubs include, Lego, key stage one and two book club, mindful colouring, singing and football club.

Christmas Carol Service

The children of St Joseph’s performed Christmas Carols for their families at St Joseph’s Church. The children spent a lot of time practicing to make it special for everyone. Their singing was beautiful and it got everyone in the Christmas spirit.
