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At St Joseph’s we offer a living curriculum that is constantly evolving, improving and thriving. Our Curriculum is broad and balanced and builds on the knowledge, understanding and skills of all children, whatever their starting points, as they progress through the school. It is designed so that pupils strive to become successful learners.

As a Catholic school we are committed to working collaboratively with families, outside agencies and the wider community to achieve shared goals.

The curriculum incorporates the statutory requirements of the National Curriculum and other experiences and opportunities which best meet the learning and developmental needs of the pupils in our school. The St Joseph’s curriculum is nurtured by revisiting it regularly and adapting it to each child’s needs so that they develop the knowledge and skills they need to become successful learners.

The aim of our curriculum is for pupils to have the skills to be successful, independent, and motivated learners in readiness for their next stage of education and so that they can flourish in the wider world. Our curriculum is ambitious for all and has high levels of expectation, enjoyment, engagement and success. RE is at the centre of our curriculum enabling children to grow spiritually, morally and socially.

In all subject areas we incorporate our Christian values. We believe these values and behaviours are crucial to being a life- long learner. These values are embedded into our curriculum drivers. We have identified five key school drivers that are fundamental to supporting our school vision and ethos. Our curriculum is designed so that pupils strive to become successful learners, who learn and retain more knowledge to enable them to know more and remember more. Our curriculum drivers of:

  • Faith
  • Enrichment
  • Equality
  • Learning for Life
  • Oracy

Ensure our curriculum is specific to our children and their needs.

Reading also plays a key element in our curriculum. Learning to read is the most important thing children will learn at our school. Every opportunity is given for children to develop their reading during the school day.

Where possible, we use the local environment to support learning. These learning opportunities support children to recall and draw upon their experiences wherever in the world they continue their education. This is developed through a wide range of experiences and personalised learning contexts.

Children leave St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School in Blaydon resilient, independent and reflective learners who achieve well academically, socially, spiritually and are prepared for the next stage in their education and have a greater understanding of the world they live in.

 To find out more about the School Curriculum please view our school policies or contact the school office.

We follow a phonics scheme in KS1 called Read Write Inc. To find out more about the School Curriculum please contact the school office.

Curriculum Subject Overviews


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Early Years

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Curriculum Content

Document NameClass CharterCurriculum Entitlement
Year 1ViewView
Year 2ViewView
Year 3ViewView
Year 4ViewView
Year 5ViewView
Year 6ViewView

| Page Views | 2445

Updated | 11th August, 2024 |
